The Skinny Confidential

The Skinny Confidential

About the Brand

Useful, effective, preventative beauty products that still look cute on a vanity. from the Rolls-Royce of ice rollers to the first-ever women's facial shaving cream, The Skinny Confidential products are innovative, result-driven, and stand the test of time.

Lauryn Evarts Bosstick
had jaw pain since she was a little girl. She would grind her teeth and attempt to pop her jaw back into place. Finally, she made the difficult decision to undergo double jaw surgery. The doctors told her she would be very swollen for weeks. Little did she know, the swelling effects would last for years. Lauryn dealt with having facial swelling, puffiness & face bloat. After trying everything for facial swelling, she finally discovered a way to combat her puffiness.

In 2015 she searched ‘jaw surgery ice’ on Amazon. Voila! She quickly ordered an ice roller. After using it every single day she found it helped with lymphatic drainage, circulation & curing puffiness...But there were issues with the roller. There was no ice roller on the market that stayed cold longer than 2 minutes so she would have to keep putting it in the freezer (annoying), it was not branded and was just ugly, the roller squeaked, & it wasn’t sturdy. She set out to create a new one, with a very The Skinny Confidential spin. 
