Your privacy is important to us.
We use technologies, such as cookies, that gather information on our website. That information is used for a variety of purposes such as to understand how visitors interact with our website. The use of technologies, such as cookies, constitutes a “sale” of personal information under the California Consumer Privacy Act. You can stop the use of certain third party tracking technologies that are not considered our service providers by clicking on the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” link at the bottom of our website and selecting your preferences or broadcasting the global privacy control signal. Note that due to technological limitations, if you visit our website from a different computer or device, or clear cookies on your browser that store your preferences, you will need to return to this screen to select your preferences and/or rebroadcast the signal. You can find a description of the types of tracking technologies, and your options with respect to those technologies by following this link
Please note that our website uses Google Analytics in order to analyze its traffic and optimize its performance. Our Google Analytics setup places cookies on a device, including a ClientID that is recognized by the CCPA as a persistent identifier, this information is disclosed to Google. You have the right to see the data collected through Google Analytics, the right to have the data deleted, and the right to opt out of third party selling.